Content to maintain top of mind for a corporate mental health app

Deliverables & Bespoke solutions
  • Content strategy
  • Blog posts
  • Social content templates
The Brief

ThoughtFull is a pioneering mental health app that offers tailored support solutions for both companies and direct consumers, aiming to enhance mental well-being in the workplace and beyond. With their continued success, there was a strategic need to enhance their content strategy to align with their growth. As they started to scale off the back of a US$4MM round from Temasek, they needed help to provide air cover for their new sales team.

There was a strategic need to enhance ThoughtFull’s content strategy to meet its growing demands in the mental health and wellness industry.
The solution

After a full briefing from the team, it was clear that their sales efforts were ramping up and they needed help to kick start their efforts before an inhouse marketing team was put in place. Based on their marketing maturity, we proposed a simple content strategy that would be low cost but maintain top of mind, until a full marketing team could be hired.

To bring these topics to life, we designed a library of branded templates tailored for use across various social media platforms. Additionally, we crafted a series of blog posts to boost awareness and credibility in the industry. Each piece of content was developed to ensure it was not only engaging but also deeply resonated with the target audience, enhancing their connection with the brand.

the process
  • Brand guidelines review 
  • Content strategy and planning
  • Monthly content plan development
  • Writing blog posts and social posts
  • Designing social media posts
the Results

The strategic content initiatives we implemented significantly ensured the sales prospects kept ThoughFull top of mind to ensure the sales team would be remembered when making their calls and as the marketing team was hired we ensure orderly transition to the inhouse team.
