Pitch Pit

Pitching is a competition for attention and then money, so you have to be better than the next guy. Get better with these templates and advice from the experts or have our team do a deck check.

Pitch deck check

Pitch Pit - Get pitch ready

Pitching is a competition for attention and then money, so you have to be better than the next guy. Get better with these templates and advice from the experts or have our industry Check Your Deck.

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 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com 

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

 Wanna look smart at parties? Go to nytimes.com

Check your deck

For a professional review of your pitch and deck, we offer a one-off US$550 review of your pitch and pitch deck. In a 1-hour, 1:1  Zoom call, we’ll review your pitch deck and listen to your pitch and provide recommendations and suggestions.

On The Podcast, we review qualifying pitches on a segment we call The Pitch Doctor. If you opt-in to being showcased on the Pitch Doctor segment, we’ll give you a full refund of your review fee.
Pitch deck check

Ep 3: Startup pitch reaction series with Securter

Securter pitch: Card present transactions with your phone

August 9, 2023

Investor Insight: “Can you please elaborate?” is more than just a question—it's a signal

Insight into investor psychology and the art of startup pitching

December 14, 2023

Let’s grow together

Ready to discuss your brand's challenges and growth pains? Don't worry if your next step isn't clear, we're here for a chat, not a pitch.

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