
Investor Insight: “Can you please elaborate?” is more than just a question—it's a signal

December 14, 2023

Rehearse hard for the question “Can you please elaborate?” because it can be a trap.

Yes, I know it sounds like a run-of-the-mill question, but a conversation with Dr. Leon Eisen, a seasoned expert in investor psychology, reveals there is a hidden meaning behind these words.

Discerning the nuance of investor remarks

In the high-stakes world of fundraising and startups, understanding the subtle cues in investor interactions can make or break your pitch. Our recent panel discussion with Dr. Leon Eisen, a Venture Partner for Network VC fund, and Mike Grundy, Principal for PRD Angels, on the topic of How Best to Present as a startup, provided invaluable insights into the intricacies of investor psychology, shedding light on why certain questions and phrases carry more weight than others.

Dr. Eisen, a board member of the European Consciousness University, an organisation devoted to unravelling the mysteries of the subconscious mind, unveiled two deceptively similar phrases that can either seal your fate or open doors:

"Can you please elaborate?"

According to Dr. Eisen, this question is a red flag. It's not a call for more details; it's a subtle rejection. Although investors themselves may not know it, asking this question is a sign that they have reservations about your idea, and by elaborating, you might be digging yourself into a deeper hole. Instead of falling into this trap, Dr. Eisen recommends taking a step back. Start from the beginning and run through your pitch again, adjusting the parts you now know present an issue. This is a more effective way to break through the resistance.

"Please tell me more."

On the flip side, hearing this phrase is a cause for celebration. Dr. Eisen explains it as the investor subconsciously saying, "This is good! This is interesting!" It's an invitation to dive deeper into your concept, and seizing this moment could propel your pitch to success. Don't hold back – share more, elaborate on the captivating aspects of your idea, and capitalise on the opportunity to capture the investor's genuine interest.

Not merely an answer, but a strategic play

In the intricate dance of investor-startup relationships, understanding the unspoken language can be a game-changer. Dr. Eisen's insights are a reminder for founders navigating the challenging terrain of fundraising conversations. Beyond preparing for standard questions, founders should keenly observe the subtleties of investor reactions, using each interaction as a window into their thought processes.

So, the next time you find yourself facing the question, "Can you please elaborate?" remember, it's more than just a request for information. It's a pivotal moment that demands a strategic response.

To dive deeper into the minds of Dr. Leon Eisen and Mike Grundy, watch the full panel discussion above. It is packed with valuable tips for startups presenting to investors and offers insight into the nuanced world of investor psychology.


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