
How to stop chasing squirrels

February 6, 2024

137K startups are launched every day, but on average 90% fail in the first five years, many fail because they have built a problem no one has, or get hyper fixated on all the wrong things. Ideas are limitless and we’re wired for distraction because our brains crave novelty, constant stimulation, and immediate gratification. So in those early days of startup life, it's no surprise that many founders feel overwhelmed trying to chase every opportunity that comes their way and frustrated by how long it takes to grow. 

Any of these sound familiar?

  • You get excited about a new project before completing your current one- leaving many loose ends for you or your team to sort out
  • You have a strong fear of missing out (FOMO) on the latest and greatest opportunity for success
  • You have a collection of unused domains, half-finished courses, and vision boards, but no real plan for how to deliver any of the ideas
  • You pursue the latest marketing fads but never stick with one strategy long enough to see the results
  • You change your mind often because you are constantly distracted by new ideas

Here’s how you can stay focused, move fast, and resist the temptation to chase that squirrel that will most certainly lead you on a long road to nowhere. 

Don't let FOMO takeover your decisions.

Picture this: You're at a networking event, and everyone’s talking about a new concept that's taking your industry by storm. FOMO kicks in, and you start second guessing your own thinking. It is tempting to jump on every new idea (shiny new object syndrome), but doing so dilutes your effort. Combat FOMO with clear short and long-term goals to get you where you want to be - your north star. Voicing and creating these goals will serve as a compass and should guide your decision-making. When a new opportunity arises, ask yourself if it aligns with your goals, and if not, resist the urge to pursue it. 

Find fresh eyes.

As an entrepreneur, sticking to a structured path can be hard. Make it easier and faster by getting a different perspective and having someone on your side to keep you accountable. By bringing in someone with a different perspective and skill set, you open yourself up to fresh ideas and innovative solutions that you might not have considered on your own. Zig Ziglar, once said, "Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results." When you have someone on your side who holds you accountable, it increases your commitment to achieving your goals and ensures that you stay focused, even when faced with distractions or challenges. Whether it's a mentor, advisor, business partner, or key hire, having someone who can offer a different perspective can be invaluable in your startup's success. 

Don’t let perfect get in the way of good. 

You want your product to be perfect - I get it. But here's a reality check: perfection lies in the eyes of your customers. Your customer will ultimately determine what your end product will look like. Until you reach that point, make decisions based on the available information knowing you can tweak and iterate as you go. Your MVP product will not be the same as your product in 12 or even six months. Bubble Wrap was originally created to serve as textured wallpaper, and Kleenex was originally used to remove makeup and skincare. Make decisions, stand behind them, and gather customer feedback as you go. Holding back from making decisions will mean you burn through your resources and drag out timelines.The faster you get a product out, the closer you are to reaching your final ‘perfect’ product. 

Focus on what matters most.

To be in the 10% of startups that succeed, staying focused is a non-negotiable. By resisting FOMO, getting help to create a roadmap, and prioritising delivery over perfection, your startup will survive the squirrel plague and you’ll reach your goals much faster.


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